title: watercoloured
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i don't care whether pixellating is spelt with 2 'l's or not. i spell it my way.
caramel chocolate iceblended
taylor swift,big bang, 2ne1
» study more, get better grades.
» purple & red pair of converse shoes.
» sony ericsson aino/ lg chocolate.
» holiday in korea @2010.
» ipod touch.
today during geog went to 2e1 classroom, sat with joan and xinxuan. then got the damn irritating + scary looking bug flying here and there, whenever it came close to me i pinch joan's hand/ legs/ skirts lol. then xinxuan also scared, in the end ms nur was like asking us what was happening (cos we sitting in front of her uh). if you haven't realised, emily is extremely scared of bugs. stupid much -__-
okay end of edit. can't wait for chloe's party on sunday.
today was so darn funny, in ws lah. maybe i would post up pics tmr. unglam photo of joan, proof that jiawei wasn't sick, and the nerds in ws.
today ms lee shouted at us, damn scary seh. it was so loud cos i was right in front of her. she sounded srsly angry shit.
i got hit straight in the face with the dustbin thanks to that b*****d. wtf, that was the crappiest part of the day lah, aft that my left eye became damn painful.
then while waiting for the bus got 358 come, then suddenly emma or dunnowho told me got ppl fight inside the bus uh. i tot is some haisian with another sch the person, turns out is upper sec, 1 malay boy and 1 chinese boy -_- lame seh. then the bus driver break up the fight alr, so they drive off. then we all took 12, alight at the bus interchange.
1) saw the 358 moving off.
2) the 2 gangster wannabes started fighting, again.
3) bus driver stop the bus.
4) alot of ppl trying to break up the fight.
i saw them punching and kicking each other uh.
come on lah, you want to become gangster/act cool don't do it with your school uniform on can or not? ltr people will think hsc is gangster school one seh -.-
and come on, they probably started fighting because they nth to do. waste ppl time seh. on monday during assembly sure die one uh, if the mr surin or who talks abt it.
it was fun torturing emma lol.
i don't think i can write anything else. feel a little bit tired (as always).
going to t1 with samantha tomorrow? i'm pretty sure everyone knows why i'm going there.
can't wait for chloe's party, seems like that's gonna be the fun-est thing this whole
common tests area around the corner, and now there's really a lot of homework, and i'm starting to feel kind of sick at looking at them (come on, who doesn't) and physics seems like the most tormenting subject in secondary school, eh?
but i'm trying to cope with physics and just hope i won't fail my modular this time round, i would get scolded for sure. and maybe my allowance would be halved -_-
finished physics homework alr, well all except 2 questions, in like, 10 minutes ._.
history test was %^**^$^$^*I$^* had careless mistakes and totally-crap answers for questions i didn't know how to do. and tomorrow is VERY VERY BORING DAY, 'cos there's physics, maths, literature, english, cme. blah. can't wait till school finishes tomorrow.i hope i won't be caught yawning during physics again lah, so damn paiseh.
drills, drills, and more drills
i hope i wouldn't be scared enough to raise my hand up if they need a timer, 'cos fionn and samantha alr do, but i havent kena yet. is it really terrifying? o_O
seriously need to study for history and home econs test uh
and i'm freaking tired.
so bye.
if i cry, then it must have been.. dust in my eyes?
or it was regret coming here in the first place
-no, emily's not going emo or anything, she's just goddamn pissed because of emma asking her of what she has done wrong when i don't get the point over quarreling such minute matters-
heck, there are SO MANY BETTER THINGS TO DO, for example, chionging through art so i would PASS.
so reflect on your damn life.
was listening to the teacher then suddenly got one high-pitched sound, then i turned around and samantha was trying not to laugh LOL. then the guy beside her was like staring at her (yes, samantha, he did, like, in a horrified way.)
friends are for life, while some other things are just plain fantasy.
i hate life. hell yeah, baby ♥
okay, so had mass today, then went to ehub with JOAN♥.
then when we were waiting for the bus, saw kim in no. 12 bus. waved at her *3*
okay. i just realised something today. i'm sorry, but i won't care 'bout your bullshit stuff anymore ♥
1. Where did you take your profile picture?
fb one? melissa took it in class, lol.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
shirt and shorts >3
3. What is your current problem?
coping with tests. at this rate, i would fail everything.
4. What makes you happy most?
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
not listening to anything now.
7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
-cough- not anyone that i actually know of >D -
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
hymn singing. crappy.
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
no -phew-
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
up and ice age 3 not kiddy lah.
11. Do you speak any languages?
of course.
12. Has anyone you've been close with passed away?
not recently.
13. Do you ever watch MTV?
if i'm uber bored.
14. What's something that really annoys you?
where i sit in class.
Chapter 1: About Me
1. Middle name:
maria? LOL.
2. Nickname(s):
none officially. or sometimes people call me "that damn violent girl".
3. Current location:
home, trying to study english -_-
4. Eye color:
black :3
Chapter 2: Family Matters
1. Do you live with your parents?
2. Do you get along with your parents?
i quarrel with them almost everyday lah. this cannot, that cannot.
3. Do you have any siblings?
Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream:
2. Season:
winter, though they don't have it here. sighs?
3. Shampoo/conditioner:
don't hve ny favourites, cos i only use one? -.-
Chapter 4: Do You...
1. Dance in the shower?
ridiculous, so nope.
2. Do you write on your hand?
yes -does faith's scary grin-
3. Call people back?
what's the definition of this?
4. Believe in love?
strangely no. hah.
5. Any bad habits?
scream like shit.
6. Intend to get Married?
no(t yet)
7. Any mental health issues?
rofl no.
Chapter 5: Have You...
1. Broken a bone?
2. Sprained stuff?
3. Had physical therapy?
no o_o
4. Gotten stitches?
(in case you still don't know, it was 5 stitches on my left upper eyelid, in p5, when i slammed onto the, erm, edge of a table in class -.-'' not forgetting to mention that i broke my 2 front tooth too. hah.)
5. Taken painkillers?
6. Gone scuba diving or snorkelling?
7. Been stung by a bee?
8. Thrown up at the dentist?
almost did.
9. Sworn in front of your parents?
yes, on impulse.
10. Had detention?
11. Been called a Player:
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Movie(s)?
UP♥ ♥ ♥
2. Three people to text you:
check my phone.
3. Person you called:
mum -.-
4. Person you hugged:
samantha, when i saw her in the bus.
5. Person you tackled?
emma. 'cos i must protect melissa >D
6. Person you talked to on MSN?
7. Thing you touched?
mouse + laptop?
8. Thing you ate?
dinner. o_o
9. Thing you drank?
10. Thing you said?
-looks into wallet-
shit, 2 dollars left only.
tmr chinese compo test, wtf-ingshit.
nas, stanley and junhong taught for god knows how long during literature today lah, so damn funny. then, had maths test. must be able to pass or else i'd die eh.
lunch today was weird lah, lol.
LOL, just found out that i might have left my fbt shorts in the toilet or smth when i was changing yesterday, cos my mum was telling me that my fbt shorts weren't in my op bag. then i opened my bag, turned it upside down, all the ws came flying out, but no fbt shorts. LOL DAMN -_-]
but luckily she never scold lor, she was laughing and laughing like shit. in the end i also laugh and laugh. she also say can buy another pair or shorts. damn it lah, i still believe that it is in my house, somewhere -.-
nothing else to write. i'm just too tired to do anything.
signing off,
a goddamn tired freak.
took this quiz from fionn's blog, lol. there's nothing to do now.
RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 15 people to be tagged - including the person who tagged you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (+) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, paste the questions, answer the questions, tag 15 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: single, forever and ever. amen.
B - BIRTHDAY: 15031996♥
C - CRUSHIN ON: chocolates.
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: drinking bandung now. lol.
F - FAVORITE SONG: changes as time passes by,
G - GUMMI BEARS OR GUMMI WORMS: gummi bears ftw.
H - HOMETOWN: i live in singapore, is that counted o_o born where? indonesia. duh.
I - IN LOVE WITH:faithdouble chocolate frappe!
J - JUGGLE: 2 balls can, 3 balls cannot. sounds sick lol.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: in maplestory, long long time ago.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: from jakarta to bandung. without stopping at all.
O - ONE WISH: gold in napfa.
R - REASON TO SMILE: show the world you care?
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Big Bang - Dirty Cash (no thanks to faith, i think this song is pervertic)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 12. on national day .
V - VEGETABLE(S): nothing wrong in liking them, right? -nudges at melissa lye-
W - WORST HABIT: i scream alot.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: once or twice maybe.
Y – YOYOS ARE: not my type of toys.
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: mly. eew.
What color do you wear most?: surprisingly, white and blue. school uniform much?
Least favorite color?: neon green. drives me nuts.
What are you listening to?: nothing.
Are you happy with your life right now?: 60% of it.
What is your favorite class in school?: recess.♥
When do you start back at school/college?: tuesday.
Are you outgoing?: so-so.
Favorite pair of shoes?: that darned flipflops which caused me to fall down the stairs. twice.
Where do you wish you were right now?: escape theme park with faith, on the viking ship. LOL.
Can you dance? epic fail
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? huh.
Can you whistle?: no. darn.
Write with both hands?: left handed. woots.
Walk with your toes curled?: most probably.
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: you'll never know, right?
Do you believe in miracles?: yes, lol.
Do you believe in magic?: they're mere illusions.
Love at first sight?: i don't, that's just too bad.
Do you believe in Satan?: fuck no. but they mentioned him in the bible.
Do you believe in Santa?: yes. when i was 1 or 2.
Do you know how to swim?: when i was in p1, yes.
Do you like roller coasters?: lol. -pokes faith repeatedly-
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: no.
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes.
Have you ever asked someone out?: quoting fionn's answers, "girlfriends♥"
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: as a friend, quoting her answers.again<3Have you ever been to the ocean?: on a cruise, baby. otherwise just on the beach ._. Have you ever painted your nails?: holidays only -.-
What is the temperature outside?: dunno.
What radio station do you listen to?: 987FM FTW ♥♥♥♥.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: sakura, that buffet place, last last fri or smth.
What was the last thing you bought? chicken mcnuggets and mcflurry after tuition. What was the last thing on TV you watched?: boys over flowers. gah, i was bored.
Who was the last person you IM'd?: faith.
Who Which was the last person pet you took a picture of? huh.
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: no one.
Ever really cried your heart out?: yes.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes.
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: no. lol.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: yes. p5 the upper eyelid thing and the 2nd time i fell this year o-O
Do certain songs make you cry?: yes, eg concrete angel by martina mcbride. o_O
Are you a happy person?: 75% of the time.
What/who can make you happy?: faith, and sugary stuff. not forgetting friends as wel :D
Do you wish you were happier?: yes (:
Can music make you happy?: yes, definitely.
How many times have you had your heart broken?: none, so be glad.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: family, perhaps.
What is your current hair color?: black,
Current piercings?: ears o_o
Have any tattoos?: in p5, during the ndp thing. tattoos ALL OVER MY FACE. and hands. i looked like some seriously patriotic screaming girl. o_o
Eye color?: black?
Been to jail: no.
Mooned someone: mooned???
Laughed so hard you cried: LOL, EVERYDAY.
Cried in school: yes.
Thrown up in a store: nope.
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: YES. LOL.
Gone skinny dipping: NO O_O
Pepsi or Coke: coke, altho i dont drink either.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's, or more specifically, McCafe.
Single or Group Dates: neither.
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLAT.E.
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries ♥
Meat or Veggies: meat? o_o in pizza it would be vegetables, LOL.
TV or Movie: Movie :D
Guitar or Drums? guitar, my one is like, rotting somewhere in the house.
Adidas or Nike: nike?
Chinese or Mexican: chinese.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: (honey) cornflakes.
MTV or VH1: o_o? mtv?
the movie, is super awesome. not to mention crazy as well. some hypered old man steering his own house to south america because of his wife. i didn't know love was so.... inspirational o_o
some pictures to keep this place alive. ( well, only 3 photos, let me explain as i go along.)
this, my friends, is mr leong queing up for popcorn and drinks with another teacher. amale teacher. ps couldn't get a picture of his face, too scared lol.this is the awesomely spastic melissa lye ♥ in toys r us.emily: -takes photo-we are spastic
sigh, so much crap homework.
btw now idling away by playing the maybe new playfish-developed game, country story. it's somehow like barn buddy, fyi.
i am not watching the movie alr uh. im in a fucking bad mood. ARGH.
chinese oral fail uh.
and melissa, the fan not called useless, is your poker card dun have that person picture uh.
tomorrow got chinese oral ehs, then like wtf, they only tell us 2 days before the actual day? what shit is that? somemore the chinese teacher totally slack uh, this monday and tuesday nvr come for class, then somemore nvr teach in oral or anything, plus i would sure fail. maybe i'd just shut my mouth or eat alot of chocolate or something.
i am fucking pissed. lol. because of the tests shit/ my ankle being *&%**(&^ and all, walking like penguin uh?
did 16 pumpings on the concrete ground, sprained my back uh, lol.
then on the bus i was talking to samantha and desiree uh, suddenly that bitch, rachel, from my primary sch, go shout, "EMILY, EMILY EMILY" wtf seh -.- like i want to actually talk to her uh. but got creeped out, obviously.
luckily i am taking a retest to hopefully gain an unachievable gold. and also retaking sit and reach if can uh?
then i today in ws suddenly felt damn sick, want to vomit, all those crap you know? yeah, i'm still having a terrible terrible headache now. just going to colour the background for my art, then finish liao lorhs.
btw the blogskin, i know not really done yet (the tagboard, whatever) but i feel to sick to even type right now.
but i'll be coming to school tomorrow anyway. there's guides. AND I WON'T GO FOR AP. MWAHAHAHA.
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» faith
» fionn
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©emilypermana, 2009.